When: Thursday, 06/22/2023 (all day) to
Friday, 02/10/2023
IPRA are proud supporters of WLSL! Check our some of the information below or head to the WLSL website to learn more!
What are we trying to accomplish?
Participation in formal swim lessons is shown to reduce the risk of drowning by up to 88%. (Source: Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 2009) We want everyone to know that Swimming Lessons Save Lives™. This event provides your facility with a fun, proven communication platform that helps our global team tell this story to millions.
When is the event happening in 2023?
This year’s 14th annual event will take place on Thursday, June 22nd. You may choose your own start time within the 24- hour day. We’ll be counting all WLSL lessons that take place on June 22nd whether they start at 10 a.m. or 10 p.m., as well as all groups with more than 5 participants. You’ll receive access to a comprehensive Host Location Kit which includes lesson plans and colorful, eye-catching marketing materials, making it easy for you to share the Swimming Lessons Save Lives™ story with your community.
How do you get involved?
Host a WLSL event at your facility! Spread the word about the program through your communication networks. There
are dozens of ways to help make a difference. If you’re interested in being part of TEAM WLSL™ in 2023, download a
Save The Date Kit on WLSL.org and then register as a WLSL Host Location this spring.